Most of the time when we are writing games in Phaser we are using simple objects like a sprite, text, or a button. I really enjoy writing in Phaser, but sometimes I miss when I use to make flash games and I could create a lot of different elements within a class. While I can not do exactly the same thing with Phaser, what can be done is to create a function to make a complex object. A complex object is simply my phrase that I use to describe a group containing child elements. In this way, I can basically get the same result that I did in flash.
In this example below I have written a function that makes a button object, which in this case is not the buttons built into the Phaser framework, but a group that contains a text field and a sprite back. This is useful in situations where you don’t know what buttons you’ll need, so you can just throw in a new button with 1 line of code.
I’ve also just recently used this technique for a couple of games I’m writing for children learning the alphabet, with letters inside spaceships in one game and letters in bubbles in another. I simply built a makeBubble or makeShip function and looped through the alphabet to create everything I needed.
To use this technique we need to do 4 things
- Create a function with parameters of what we what to style (text, color, size, frame)
- Make child elements to reflect those style choices(sprites, text fields)
- Make a group and place those elements inside
- return that group as the object
I have done this with the makeButton function and have created the buttons in the create function.
var StateMain = { preload: function () { game.load.spritesheet("colors","images/colors.png",150,50); }, create: function () { var btnYes=this.makeButton("YES",1); btnYes.y=game.height*.25;; var btnNo=this.makeButton("NO",0); btnNo.y=game.height*.75;; this.statusText=game.add.text(,,""); this.statusText.fill="#ffffff"; this.statusText.anchor.set(0.5,0.5); }, makeButton:function(text,color) { //create the back for the button var back=game.add.image(0,0,"colors"); back.frame=color; //create the label for the button //and set the text to the text parameter passed down var label=game.add.text(0,0,text); back.anchor.set(0.5,0.5); label.anchor.set(0.5,0.5); //create the group var; //add the sprite and the label to the group buttonGroup.add(back); buttonGroup.add(label); //groups can not take input so we need to add the //listener for the click back.inputEnabled=true;,this); //return the group as the button return buttonGroup; }, buttonClicked:function(target) { //since the target is the sprite //we get the parent of the target // var group=target.parent; //the label is the second child we added to the //group so we can find it at index 1 //the back sprite is found at index 0 var label=group.getChildAt(1); this.statusText.text=label.text; }, update: function () { } }
The post Complex Objects – Phaser appeared first on William Clarkson.