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Set Up Phaser 3 Project Template - Phaser Games

Set Up Phaser 3 Project Template

Over my years on my path from a kid playing around with code(1982) to the present of being a senior developer, every year the number of paths of learning that I can take is growing exponentially. Sometimes these paths lead to dead ends and I spend my time learning something that is the flavour of the year. About half the technologies I’ve picked up are abandoned or rarely used. Basic ,Flash, Flex,Visual Basic, Lau to name a few. Some that I started to use but decided against after a day or two were a bullet dodged. These would include such languages as CoffeScript or Delphi.

Don’t get me wrong, I learned valuable lessons from those languages but I’ve had to unlearn about half of what I put 1000s of hours to learn.

So every year or so when a new way of doing things pops its head up, I’m always a bit resistant, but when a technology looks like it will stay around I (eventually) embrace it.

So for all those people have requested that I show them how to set up Phaser with NPM (Node package manager), here it is.

Step 1. Install the node package manager

What is the node package manager(NPM)?

According to the official website:

npm makes it easy for JavaScript developers to share and reuse code, and makes it easy to update the code that you’re sharing, so you can build amazing things.


For if it makes things easier or not, is debatable, however it is now being widely adopted as standard.

Install here

Step 2. Install Git

What is git?

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system 

Basically git copies files from one place to another and keeps track of what was copied and when, so it is easy to roll back to a previous time.

We need git here to copy files from github.com

Install here

Step 3. Open A command prompt

Open a command prompt on Windows, or a terminal on Macs. You may need to search for it. Once you find it, make a shortcut where you can get to it quickly in future.

Step 4. Make a directory

At the command prompt, make and navigate to an empty directory. I like to make directories for each of my project types live. Phaser, React, Vue, ect.
Use md for make directory and cd for change directory.

md phaser
cd phaser

Step 5. Clone The Project

Richard Davey has put together a nice time-saving package up on GitHub. Now we clone the files from the phaser 3 project template git hub. Copy and paste the text below into your command prompt, replacing game1 with the name of your game or project.

git clone https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser3-project-template.git game1

Then change the directory to your game directory

cd game1

Step 6. Open your directory in your editor

Open the folder with the code editor of your choice. You’ll see something like this.

Step 7. Customize the package file

Open the package.json that was included with the template and replace infomation such as author name, homepage etc with your own data.

About WebPack

It was difficult for me to find anything on WebPack on the web that made me understand what it was.

webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging


In plain language basically webpack combines all your scripts into 1 script, and working with Babel, translates that down a low-level JavaScript that all browsers understand. It also does the same for all css fles and images.

Normally we would use npm to install webpack, but the project template that we cloned in step 5, already contains webpack as a dependency so we will install that on the next step.

Step 8. Install the dependencies

There are bits of code that the template needs to run aka the node packages. The template has a list of what is needed. To install them type:

npm install

Step 9. Optional – Copy Template Files

If you are using a template from this site, such as the Ulitmate Game Parts Template for Phaser 3 then simply copy and overwrite the files in the top project directory with files from the template.

Step 10. Run the code

Now type out:

npm start

You should see this result

You can make changes to the code in the src folder starting with index.js

That should get you ready and set up to create phaser games with the node package manager. Enjoy!