Something that has been very useful for me lately is to be able to get the angle between two objects or get the angle between the mouse and a central character. For example in a game with a spaceship where you want to click and fire, you need to know the angle to be able to turn the ship. The actual math to get the angle is a bit complex, and I won’t pretend I understand it, but it has been a very useful snippet for me to have.
getAngle: function(obj1, obj2) { // angle in radians var angleRadians = Math.atan2(obj2.y - obj1.y, obj2.x - obj1.x); // angle in degrees var angleDeg = (Math.atan2(obj2.y - obj1.y, obj2.x - obj1.x) * 180 / Math.PI); return angleDeg; },
All you need to do to get the angle is to pass two objects like this
var angle=this.getAngle(goodGuy,monster);
Here is an example where I use the angle between the mouse and a space ship to turn the ship.
Click anywhere to have the ship point at the mouse.
And here is the code for the example
var StateMain = { preload: function() { game.load.image("ship", "images/ship.png"); }, create: function() { this.ship = game.add.sprite(,, "ship"); this.ship.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); game.input.onUp.add(this.clickCanvas, this); }, clickCanvas: function() { //make an object from the mouse postion var obj1 = { x: game.input.x, y: game.input.y }; //get the angle between the mouse and the ship and assign that to the //ship's angle this.ship.angle = this.getAngle(obj1, this.ship); }, getAngle: function(obj1, obj2) { //I use the offset because the ship is pointing down //at the 6 o'clock position //set to 0 if your sprite is facing 3 o'clock //set to 180 if your sprite is facing 9 o'clock //set to 270 if your sprite is facing 12 o'clock // offSet = 90; // angle in radians var angleRadians = Math.atan2(obj2.y - obj1.y, obj2.x - obj1.x); // angle in degrees var angleDeg = (Math.atan2(obj2.y - obj1.y, obj2.x - obj1.x) * 180 / Math.PI); //add the offset angleDeg += offSet; return angleDeg; }, update: function() {} }