When learning any new framework or front-end language, especially for games the first three things I want to know are<\/p>\n
If you are coming from Phaser CE, I’m going to mention what’s changed. If you are completely new to Phaser, just ignore those parts, and it will still help you get a jump start on building games in Phaser 3.<\/p>\n
There is a global game object, just as there was in Phaser CE but now it no longer handles creating things for the game. That is now a function of the scene. We can no longer use things like game.width or game.height, but the config file is a child of the game so we can use game.config.width<\/strong> and game.config.height<\/strong> to get the game’s size;<\/p>\n To find the horizontal center use:<\/p>\n To find the vertical center use:<\/p>\n To preload an image we use this code in the preload function of a scene.<\/p>\n Here is a practical example:<\/p>\n After preloading an image we can place images using code in the create function<\/p>\n This example places an image in the middle of the canvas<\/p>\n To create basic text<\/p>\n To change the font, font size or color to the text, you can pass in an object like this<\/p>\n All game objects such as images, sprites, and text have origin points. In Phaser CE this was known as anchors. These values determine where the image starts in relation the x and y.\u00a0 An origin has an x and y property (x,y). For example, if you place the x and y to the center of the screen a origin of (0.5,0.5) the image would sit perfectly centered in the middle of the game. If we set an origin of (0,0) then the top left corner of the image would be in the center.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n We can set the origin of an object by using this code:<\/p>\n X and Y values take a decimal value between 0 and 1.\u00a0 Images (and sprites) by default have a centered origin 0f (0.5,0.5) and text objects have a top left corner\u00a0 origin of (0,0) ;<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This code tells Phaser to listen for clicks on an object. This replaces image.inputEnabled=true from Phaser CE.<\/p>\n Phaser 3 is very new, and I’m still going through it. There seems to be several ways to click on an object, but this one appealed to me because I could use just one listener and then set up a switch and case statement for game actions based on what was clicked. (note that we no longer have to pass scope!)<\/p>\n For the callback function<\/p>\n The pointer parameter refers to either the mouse or a touch object on mobile, the game object is the element clicked on.<\/p>\n Here are all the examples put together in one file.<\/p>\n <\/p>\nFinding the center of the game<\/h3>\n
Preloading an image<\/h3>\n
this.load.image(key, path);<\/pre>\n
this.load.image(\"face\", \"images\/face.png\");<\/pre>\n
Place an Image on stage<\/h3>\n
this.face = this.add.image(x, y, key);<\/pre>\n
this.face = this.add.image(game.config.width \/ 2, game.config.height \/ 2, \"face\");<\/pre>\n
Place Text On Stage<\/h3>\n
this.add.text(x,y,\"Some Text\");<\/pre>\n
var textConfig={fontSize:'20px',color:'#ff0000',fontFamily: 'Arial'};\r\nthis.add.text(game.config.width\/2,game.config.height\/2,textConfig,\"SomeText\",textConfig);<\/pre>\n
Understanding Point of Origin<\/h3>\n
Clicking on an object<\/h3>\n
Set an object to be interactive<\/h4>\n
onObjectClicked(pointer,gameObject)\r\n {\r\n \r\n }<\/pre>\n
class SceneMain extends Phaser.Scene {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super('SceneMain');\r\n }\r\n preload() {\r\n this.load.image(\"face\", \"images\/face.png\");\r\n }\r\n create() {\r\n\r\n this.face = this.add.image(game.config.width \/ 2, game.config.height \/ 2, \"face\");\r\n this.face.angle = 25;\r\n \r\n this.face.setInteractive();\r\n\r\n\r\n var textConfig={fontSize:'20px',color:'#ff0000',fontFamily: 'Arial'};\r\n\r\n this.title=this.add.text(game.config.width\/2,game.config.height*.75,\"HELLO PHASER!!!\",textConfig);\r\n \r\n \/\/setOrigin() replaces anchor.set()\r\n \/\/sprites now default to orign 0.5 for both x and y\r\n this.title.setOrigin(0.5,0.5);\r\n\r\n \/\/this will listen for a down event \r\n \/\/on every object that is set interactive\r\n this.input.on('gameobjectdown',this.onObjectClicked);\r\n \r\n }\r\n onObjectClicked(pointer,gameObject)\r\n {\r\n gameObject.angle+=10;\r\n }\r\n update() {}\r\n}<\/pre>\n\t